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Support the BCH Health Leadership Institute (HLI)

12 Supporters
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Support the Health Leadership Institute

BCH Interim Dean, Mei Zhao, Ph.D. is matching all gifts across Brooks College of Health Giving Day projects, dollar for dollar, up to $2,600 total. Double your impact today! 

The Health Leadership Institute (HLI)'s mission is to provide Brooks College of Health graduate and undergraduate students with educational programs focused on developing high-performing leaders. Our goal is to build leadership skills in students and provide continuing career development.

Building Strong Leaders of Tomorrow

HLI aims to provide educational experiences that encompass the principles and concepts that define leadership excellence. The program collaborates with healthcare employers in the Jacksonville area, drawing on their leadership development expertise as a way of enhancing our leadership programs offered to the students. Our partnerships foster stronger ties with local healthcare employers, enhance student enrollment at the Brooks College of Health, and promote the hiring environment for graduating students. With your support, we will better prepare our students to enter the workforce and contribute to the success of your organization and the community at large.

How Your Support Helps

By supporting HLI, you help provide leadership opportunities for Brooks College of Health students such:

  • Attending the IGNITE Healthcare Leadership Program, developed with support from generous benefactors and offered exclusively to Brooks College of Health students.
  • Attending the American College of Health Executives Annual Congress and associated networking events.
  • Being recognized with a small grant for their leadership skills during the academic year.
  • Having access to Global Health Scholarships for study abroad programs that focus on healthcare leadership and governance structures in other countries.
  • Entering into national case competitions sponsored by universities and organizations such as UAB, Penn State and NAHSE.
  • Participating in leadership assessments, such as DISC and Emotional Intelligence, that permit students to learn their leadership preferences.
  • Attending two leadership lectures on campus sponsored by HLI.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!