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Support Students with Autism: Invest in THRIVE

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Help Students with Autism Succeed

An increasing number of students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are enrolling in institutions of higher education. At UNF, the THRIVE program helps students with ASD develop important life skills as they work toward graduation and securing gainful employment beyond the college setting.

What is THRIVE?

The Transition to Healthiness, Resourcefulness, Independence, Vocation and Education (THRIVE) program provides support to students with ASD. THRIVE helps students develop social, independent living and career development skills in a safe environment. These skills are crucial to our students' ability to have a successful and fulfilling college experience.

Why Your Support is Important

The difficulty of transitioning to independent university life can be overwhelming for individuals with ASD. With your help, THRIVE can help these students in their transition to day-to-day college life, as well as develop skills they will use not only in the college setting but also throughout their lives.

Autism affects individuals in different ways, which is why THRIVE is not a one-size-fits-all program. Our ever-evolving support systems are designed to meet the individual needs of each student. Planning and organization, stress management and self-advocacy are just a few of the skills that THRIVE can help students develop. THRIVE also provides students with opportunities to interact with like-minded individuals to form friendships that last a lifetime. Since 2012, THRIVE has helped more than 400 students complete their degree programs and pursue employment in the career of their choice.

How Does Your Donation Make a Difference?

Your donations are instrumental in allowing us to develop and provide various resources for our students including peer mentors, our living-learning community, social events and our executive functioning class.

Did you know that THRIVE does not have a permanent full-time position? Despite continued requests by the SAC, the coordinator position has not been approved. With the president's goal of increasing enrollment at UNF it is essential for THRIVE to have a permanent coordinator position in the SAC department to support our growing student needs on campus.

In addition to this coordinator position, THRIVE needs of more mentors for our students. Our peer mentors are current UNF students who serve a crucial role in supporting THRIVE students, and your donations will allow us to continue training and providing these mentors. THRIVE students may also become mentors themselves, an opportunity unique to our program. Active UNF students who are interested in becoming THRIVE mentors for the Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 semesters should reach out to for more information.

Your donations also help THRIVE develop and maintain connections with community partners, giving students the opportunity to interact with future employers. In turn, THRIVE can educate employers on how to work with individuals with ASD. Your support is needed and gifts of all sizes make a huge impact.

Our goal is to raise $125,000 needed to support students with program mentors, a full-time coordinator position and programming support for the upcoming year. Please consider donating to THRIVE this Giving Day!

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!